Where to Have a Warm Drink from Jeannette Jackson on Vimeo.
One-Minute Digital Argument:
“The Best Place for a Warm Drink is…”
Story Idea Pitch
My first thoughts were to create a digital artifact that depicted locations beyond my home environment: I thought of the many exotic and intriguing locations that I long to visit and, by association, no doubt partake of a warm cuppa! I originally thought to utilize various images I might find in my exploration of shared picture/image web applications. On further reflection, however, I realized that I already had some of my own beautiful pictures from several vacations taken abroad—Paris, Rome, and Venice for example. An added bonus would have been the evidence of family and friends in such photographs. It was then that I realized that I may be approaching this challenging task rather backwardly: I was thinking of what I already possessed or could utilize via shared media resources rather than contemplating the story I wanted to express through such media. Back to the drawing board—literally!
It was at this juncture that my ideas and storyboarding started to coalesce during the planning of the project. Initially, I imagined creating a digital recording of all of the places local to my home that could illustrate the many options I have of beautiful vistas to enjoy when supping my warm drink. My first storyboarding attempts followed this line of inquiry, which in essence became more of a tourist guide to Sundance, in Calgary! I now possess some exciting videos of activities at Sundance Lake!
I longed to produce something that gave of and from myself: to share a particular perspective on the taking of a warm drink. Hence many questions-to-self arose, culminating in: “What is so special to me, personally, about having that warm drink—or any drink for that matter? Is a particular place to drink really that important to me?” It is the answers to these questions that directed my digital product. I realized that, in truth, most places will “do” for me to enjoy, say, a morning or midday coffee. However, what actually makes the drinking places memorable is the people—friends and family—that have shared these indulgent moments in those particular places.
And so to my final proposal or one-minute-movie-pitch: viewers of my digital narrative will understand the message or argument that, for me, “The best place for a warm drink is one with a cupful of company!” I will juxtapose bland video of the usual “coffee areas” in and around my home with vibrant and colorful images of family members gathered together in those same or similar locations. Hopefully, the use of contrasting images: color vs. black and white; still vs. motion; people vs. places; compliments the framework of myself searching for what, in actuality, is not a particular place but for the loved ones to share that moment with. Thus, it is people not place that enrich the drinking experience.
The final Storyboard and ultimate script can be viewed below:
The Final Script Used for “The Best Place for a Warm Drink is…”
There were many improvised changes to the original storyboard plan as shown above. This included many scribbled drafts of possible accompanying voice-over narration. The following script, however, is the final voice-over narration that is used in the edited, produced and posted digital tale:
What is a Place Without Any Company?
The best place for a warm drink is—well there are so many right here at home!
So, let’s try the cozy kitchen.
But no iChat coffee chums!
To the comfy couch?
But no café au lait sofa buddies!
How about the treed front yard?
But no frappachino folkies!
No cappuccino comrades!
And no macchiato mates!
Then it’s off to the primo patio café!
But no java Joes!
But wait! Downstairs! You can count on a cat for coffee company!
But then—maybe not.
Hmm. I guess the best place for a warm drink is one with a cupful of company.
In my next blog I will share some thoughts on the making of the video, choices made and my reflections on the challenge!
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