User-Centered Design Project

Phase 6: Product Evaluation Results and Paper

Our 4-member group has completed Phase or Stage Six of the Technology-Enabled Learning Application: Virti-Cue Tutorial Production Evaluation Results. Above is the link to our Wiki page which contains copies of the product/tutorial evaluation results and procedures as completed by our peers (product test user group). The other pages connected in our Wiki illustrate our group process and methods used for our collaboration.

By Marissapelly
Phase 5: Product Evaluation Proposal

Our 4-member group has completed Phase or Stage Five of the Technology-Enabled Learning Application: Virti-Cue Tutorial Production Evaluation Proposal. Above is the link to our Wiki page which contains copies of the proposed evaluation methods and procedures as presented to the 'Dragon's Den! (Our Peers). The other pages connected in our Wiki illustrate our group process and methods used for our collaboration.

Abbey Road... Beach by Wreckless Abrandon

Phase 4: Product Prototypes Production, or "Our Tutorials." 

Our 4-member group has completed Phase or Stage Four of the Technology-Enabled Learning Application: Virti-Cue Tutorial Production and Paper. Above is the link to our Wiki page which contains copies of the prototype tutorials and the written explanations and associated research. The other pages connected in our Wiki illustrate our group process and methods used for our collaboration.
Phase 3: Product extension Design, or "Our Tutorial."

Virti-Cue Tutorial Proposal & Storyboard

Our 4-member group has completed Phase or Stage Three of the Technology-Enabled Learning Application: Virti-Cue Tutorial Proposal and Storyboard. Above is the link to our main Wiki page which contains the complete written extension proposal, expected development process, and an animated storyboard to support our project proposal. There is a link to the down-loadable PowerPoint presentation that we used to pitch our idea to the class. The other pages connected in our Wiki illustrate our group process and methods used for our collaboration.

Phase 2: Interaction Design, or "How it Works." 

Virti-Cue Interaction Design Details 

Nov. 8th 2010 
Our group has completed Phase or Stage Two of the Technology-Enabled Learning Application: Interaction Design, or "How the Product Works." Above is the link to the our main Wiki page which contains the complete written description of our expected user experience; a video Social Story sample; a link to a device Mock-Up for Virti-Cue; a link to our Navigational Flow Framework; and a link to the PowerPoint used in our  presentation for the 'Dragon's Den! The other pages connected in our Wiki illustrate our group process and methods used for our collaboration together with a Work Log and process notes. 

Phase 1: Information Design, or "Our Product."

Virti-Cue Project Design Details

Oct. 17th 2010 
Our group has completed Phase or Stage One of the Technology-Enabled Learning Application: Information Design, or "Our Product." Above is the link to the our main Wiki page which contains the complete written description and flowchart to support our design and a link to our presentation for the 'Dragon's Den! The other pages connected in our Wiki illustrate our group process and methods used for our collaboration.

Oystercatchers by Cj Roberts
Informal Minutes, Meetings, and Rough Progress Notes for Stage one: Information Design, or "What is the Product?"

Sept. 20th 2010 Our First  F2F 

Our group has come together with a common interest in providing a 'technology-enabled' learning application for children who exhibit behaviors found on the autistic spectrum.
We are, Chris, Vaneta, Robin, and Jeannette. We come from various educational situations, however we all deal with challenges of teaching and learning with  very diverse student populations. Hence, we are able to come to an initial tentative understanding around meeting these diverse needs in some way.

Our first hasty, somewhat disjointed, brainstorm produced somewhat of a direction, if not the actual educational/social problem we hoped to address:
  • Collaboration around autism...check out Atropolis, an online interactive virtual world
  • Look at Boardmaker....what ideas can we glean?
  • Have we considered Video Modeling? What could that look like?
  • Shall we broaden our focus to include, say, E.L.L. students, home and school, other special needs populations?
  • Or, should we focus on an identified, very particular group?
  • We agree to focus on social skill development for autistic children, Cues for communication- getting correct messages, interpretation
  • We should consider personalized learning. what could that look like in our project?
  • Will we be able to include any aspects of student online collaboration?
  • Social scripts! Create own videos! we could provide templates.
For next time, each of us will research:
  1. Information re: autistic spectrum/aspergers
  2. Select resources, such as videos, data, personal narratives, that help explain the problem...we need to define the problem for our eventual users
  3. Robin has just created the wiki for us, so perhaps we can use this to collect information, somewhat randomly for now! (None of us have used a wiki before so it's somewhat exciting!) (We are all talking at once... oh well!)
  4. Post research, sites, anything of possible use to the wiki
  5. Jeannette said that she would try and maintain some notes about our "scrums."
  6. Robin will make sure to email the request to each of us, so we can participate on the wiki
  7. Consolidate thoughts
  8. Focus on 'Social Interactions'
  9. 1st Stage of planning to wiki (I'll try to make up a concept map for sharing on the web)
  10. Examine part one of the design process
Bye for now!

During the week...
  • Emails sent back and forth and much gathering happened, some of which ended up on wiki, some remained in email.
  • Each of us contributed topical videos, research notes, related sites etc.
  • Jeannette has collected the emails for recording our progress.
  • Jeannette has collected as many of the shared links as possible, not just the ones on the wiki so far...we don't want to lose these
  • Robin has placed the assignment requirements and several new links on the wiki.
  • Vanita and Chris have found even more related videos and information... some on products already in the market, or at least a bit similar.
Some examples that we collected:

SET conference BC  Two videos on bridging communication supports for autistic children

Learning from Virtual Peers Autistic learners and their learning needs

Social Story Creation and autism   An example of social story for autistic children

Touch Technology   Power of touch technology

Social Stories Therapy Therapy through Social Story

MIT Innovative Projects    Innovative learning Objects

Video Modelling Example  Autism relevant software

{More examples and research collected on Wiki and Delicious and in Emails...phew!}

Sept. 27th 2010 Our Second F2F Scrum!
 All somewhat aghast at proposal by Dr. Jacobsen that each group will be given 30 seconds 'Elevator Talk' in order to try and clarify our project problem goal(s).
We need to run down our ideas so far and receive peer feedback if possible.

Our in class scrum...
  • Learning problem is re: autistic children, PPD's, how to recognize and respond to common social cues, that is, common to the rest of us!
  • How meet the needs of these students in their everyday lives... home and school, other environments?
  • Effective and affective support for the classroom?
  • For students, teachers and parents?
  • Negotiation of social world
  • Need to model socsocial/emotional world skill 'sets' to assist in real world context
  • Video selves? Video others? Teacher or student?
  • How to involve other students.... autistic or not?
  • Need skill sets to be successful in various social environments
  • Body and Facial cues plus tone of voice
  • Acceptable response...behaviors, voice, attitude. expression
  • Practice these desirable outcomes?
  • How about Boardmaker example?
  • We did find similar ideas in several Special Needs online catalogs cards, card games, board games but also, software that seems to allow social scripts to be acted out or at least acted through cartoon figures.
  • We want the video and editing for positive modeling....choices need to be built in
  • Videos to provide for self monitoring
  • Can have Stock Footage'... this is already available, not what we want?
  • E.g. ipad...characters
  • We need to take photos and/or video of our process?
Dr. Jacobsen gave further instructions about the first stage presentation on the design process:
  1. A written description is required, mailed as a word doc.
  2. Also, a concept map; How did we flush out the idea? How did we strengthen the idea? problems?
  3. There will be a 10 minute presentation and 5 minutes of questions
  4. Probably need a ppt presentation with relative info.
Our Elevator Talk by Chris!  
Robin suggested he would be better able to do this!
Chris did a wonderful job of explaining our project, despite our uncertainties. 
Our problem:
  • trying to meet the needs of autistic learners
  • particularly through social scripting in some way
  • social cues are missed in everyday life
  • For example, in initiating play, sharing, anything really
  • we imagine an interactive scenario where we can teach or lead to developing scripting
  • we envisage it to be both active and personalized, with students creating footage and scenarios that they can interact with.
  • Elementary age group... not specific as yet
  • Not overly sure of the product design or needs as yet
Our Third F2F Scrum!
We met after the seminar to clarify our direction and next steps
  • Each of us will provide a separate wiki page to begin satisfying each part of the requires per our wiki document
  • We need to put our ideas into some sort of logical order and go from there next week
  • We are going to use different colors in our adding to each of the wiki pages; Chris=purple, Robin=blue, Vaneta=green, Jeannette=teal? Hopefully, this will prevent having to read over everything each time we go to a page to find comments and the like. By the way, red is to be the confusion or question color!
  • Jeannette mentioned she had started a communal concept map, but this doesn't seem to be needed at this point
  • Robin has many resources concerning autism...fantastic!
  • Vanita reminded us not to lose focus on the fun aspects for learning...she explained about an ipad application that held much promise for communications too!
  • Chris shared an online video of the "E3 2009: Project Natal Demo:

and also E3 2009: Project Natal XBox 360:

  • We started to realize that perhaps we are being too 'realistic' in our approach, instead of dreaming big and 'out there!' So, bring it on!
  • We are all pretty animated now, trying to imagine that which we really can't!
  • Robin shared her thoughts around designing for the teacher and an individual student
  • The group all chipped in about whether this was indeed for an individual, or on an as needs basis, or whether it was to be more adaptable: personalized yes, but for many students and contexts
  • Still, central all along has been the idea of social scripting and using this in some way with a self-monitoring video system, feeding into some sort of template design that would allow for various consequential outcomes
  • Here's a view from a student who used Second Life to create her meaningful world!

A Second Life in Second Life: a special needs student shares her experiences of life in Second Life

Oct. 3rd 2010 

Quick email exchange regarding discovery of further similar items/applications to our idea.
Here are some links we have to consider:
Stories2learn   An iphone App

Ipad app  Social story Maker

Ipad apps for Autism   Personalized creations

However, seems we can but build on these ideas to create our unique interface and utility...more specialized, personalized, interactive, authentic, fun, play-like and practical?

We'll regroup tomorrow... all part of the design process I guess!
React! Review! Rethink! 

Please connect to our wiki :  Virti-Cue Project Design Details where our documentation continues!